

Jocelyn Kapumealani Ng is a queer multi-dimensional creative of Hawaiian, Chinese, Japanese and Portuguese descent. The fluidity of her art blends award winning spoken word poetry, special effects make-up, theater performance, photography and fabrication to navigate themes of queerness, indigenous culture, womxn issues and the representation of under represented narratives.

Her multimedia spoken word experience, “She Who Dies to Live,” was performed at the 9th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art in Brisbane (2019) and at the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center Culture Lab ‘Ae Kai in Honolulu (2017). Her visual print work has been featured in exhibits such as “Future Ancestors” at the Ori Gallery in Portland (2019), The Hawaii Institute For Marine Biology’s “SymbioSEAS” at the Arts at Mark’s in Honolulu (2019), & Honolulu PRIDE “Also Here” at the Arts at Mark’s Garage (2018).

Jocelyn’s transformation body art practice has collaborated with Eisner & Hugo Award winning writer Marjorie Liu, Creative New Zealand Arts Pasifika Awards winner Rosanna Raymond, Hawaii’s LGBT Legacy Award winner Kim Coco Iwamoto, and Vogue Magazine’s Climate Change Warrior Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner just to name a few.

She has performed and conducted pedagogical development & spoken word poetry workshops throughout the Hawaiian islands, across the continental United States as well as in Guahan, the Marshsall Islands, Aotearoa, and Australia.

To find out more about her accolades. creative journey, and the various worlds Jocelyn navigates she invites to explore this website.